A Variety of Fabric Manipulations Using Shibori Techniques with Kathleen Fulmer and Mei Ling St. Leger

  • 15 Jul 2018
  • 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Indian Rocks Beach Art Center, 1515 Bay Palm Blvd, Indian Rocks Beach, FL 33785


  • We will be using 100% natural fibers ( cotton, linen, silk, rayon) to explore multiple aspects of binding, capping, folding, clamping and pole wrapping.
    If you want to create samples for your own techniques book, we recommend a minimum of 2 yards of fabric. You'll need more fabric if you're making larger pieces. All fabric must be prepared for dyeing (PFD) - pre-washed to remove all sizing , etc, so it will take the dye.
    Supply List
    - 100%natural fiber fabric, pre-washed (PFD - Prepared for dyeing) to remove sizing, etc so fabric will take the dye
    Bring a minimum of 8-10 pieces of fabric to create samples, whatever size you wish of cotton, linen, rayon, silk. Light weight fabric works better than heavy.
    - 12" to 24" long PVC pipe (2-4" in diameter)
    - Clamps, 2" minimum (metal with rubber grips, C clamps work better than black plastic clamps)
    - rubber bands
    - string for binding - nylon, cotton, jute, dental floss etc
    - saran wrap for capping technique
    - plastic sheets larger than dyed pieces (trash bags or plastic table cloth) to wrap each piece individually
    - old towels or paper towels
    - gloves, old clothes, lunch and water
    Any questions call or email:
    kathleenfulmer@gmail.com 727-776-6014
    meilingdesigns@gmail.com 727-791-4109

Registration is closed

We will be using 100% natural fibers ( cotton, linen, silk, rayon) to explore multiple aspects of  binding, capping, folding, clamping and pole wrapping. 

If  you want to create samples for your own techniques book, we recommend a minimum of 2 yards of fabric.  You'll need more fabric if you're making larger pieces.  All fabric must be prepared for dyeing (PFD) - pre-washed to remove all sizing , etc, so it will take the dye. 

Supply List

- 100%natural fiber fabric, pre-washed (PFD - Prepared for dyeing) to remove sizing, etc so fabric will take the dye

  Bring a minimum of 8-10 pieces of fabric to create samples, whatever size you wish of cotton, linen, rayon, silk. Light  weight fabric works better than heavy.

- 12" to 24" long PVC pipe (2-4" in diameter)

- Clamps, 2" minimum (metal with rubber grips, C clamps work better than black plastic clamps)

- rubber bands

- string for binding - nylon, cotton, jute, dental floss etc

- saran wrap for capping technique

- plastic sheets larger than dyed pieces (trash bags or plastic table cloth) to wrap each piece individually

- old towels or paper towels

- gloves, old clothes, lunch and water

Any questions call or email:

kathleenfulmer@gmail.com   727-776-6014

meilingdesigns@gmail.com   727-791-4109