March Workshop The Creative Process with Barbara Kazanas

  • 20 Mar 2011
  • 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM
  • The Beach Arts Center1515 Bay Palm Blvd Indian Roacks Beach


Workshop Facilitator: Barbara Kazanis, Creativity Consultant & Detective

WHERE Beach Art Center

WHEN Sunday, March 20,1-3:30PM

Cost: $30

Find ways to appreciate and further unfold your personal aesthetic and style of work; & t have a little fun with other attendees who are on parallel paths of personal artistic development, learn several ways of dialoguing with our use of materials and the expression of our images.

Supplies list given at March meeting and/or upon registration.

Primarily materials you already have will be tapped.

Bring open mind, playful approach, and a desire to appreciate your own and other’s ways "voices" and ways of dialogue.

Does your work have a unique style? "aesthetic sensibility" that is clearly your own?

If you are interested in developing your "voice", listening to and speaking from your work to tell your "stories" and enjoy your images, then this workshop is for you.

Aesthetic: A principle of taste or style adopted by a culture and also a personal sensibility of a particular artist.

Dialogue: A creative and ongoing exchange between two independent and mutually interested people. May also be understood to be between a person and their work. May also be applied by the artist to the creative interaction between the various materials, techniques, and metaphoric images that result in an integrated creative art work.

Through a series of short, playful, interactive explorations, you will learn new and diverse ways for creative „dialogues‟ between you and your work. You will learn to appreciate and articulate your own creative force & how it manifests itself in stories, images, and living metaphors as you choose and utilize your repertoire of techniques, skills, and design decisions that play into in your fiber creations.

Whether or not you are already conscious of how you work, or this is new territory, you might be surprised at how and what "dialogue" takes place between the techniques and the images that you explore with such curiosity, interest, enthusiasm, and maybe even a bit of passion.

In this workshop we will utilize: objects of nature, power point visuals of artists, our own sensory perceptions.

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