April Member Meeting & Special Trunk Show and Sale
10 April 2023, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM @ Good Samaritan Church, 6085 Park Blvd, Pinellas Park
Please arrive a few minutes early so that we can all socialize and start the meeting on time.
News!!!!!! At this coming meeting we are going to have a special Trunk Show and Sale with Randi Hilleso (see info below)
Great News!!!!!! Even with a guest speaker/show/sale tables we will have time to see Susan Lumsden's student creations from her workshop in March. Please bring what you did, whether it is completed or not. We want to see them all.
More Great News!!!!! Bring stuff for the Freebie Table as usual.
Special Mini-Demo –
Trunk Show and Sale with Randi Hilleso

I had a wearable art business for 16+ years and have some exquisite “leftovers” that need to go to the right people – those who would understand what they are and how to use them.
Some of the things I will show are:
Textiles from:
Japan, Nigeria, Indonesia, Bhutan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Misc. SE Asia
Plus: Vintage trimmings, Lace from Malta, Vintage lace, Buttons, Beads and other jewelry components
Some art and textile books too.
I also have some garments that I have made for my Wearable Art Business, Hilleso Designs. I still have a gallery website of some of my designs. http://www.hillesodesigns.com/ My market was in the late 1990’s to early 2020’s – in Washington DC, Philadelphia, NYC & Chicago. I am pricing things to go to the right person – below cost (my cost at the time of purchase).
Looking forward to meeting everyone and learning from you.
Thank you,
Randi Hilleso (pronounced Ron dee Hill es ew)