~ Guild Party and Sale to distribute Marlene’s Stash ~
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On Sunday, July 30th, from 10-1, we will hold a party in combination with a sale of all Marlene’s stash that remains. As you likely have already heard, Marlene and I set up, many years ago, a reciprocal agreement that we would inherit each other’s studio, minus all completed work. Of course that meant, not only would we get first dibs on anything we wanted but that we’d also take the burden of handling the mass away from our husbands. (My husband is now terrified).
While the reason for the sale is sad, this is to be a joyous celebration of the wonderful creativity and support Marlene has given each of us. Come prepared to laugh and be silly.
All of the remaining fabrics, notions, books, patterns, paints, tubs have now been removed to a separate location. It is being sorted and will be presented for sale first to guild members. At a later date it will be available to the public.
Because I support this organization so fully, I have chosen a method of distribution that 1) benefits the guild 2) recognizes long term support of members 3) makes it FUN!
So you’ll each get some "funny money" in the form of credits to spend at the party! How much funny money credits you get is determined by the length of time you have been a member plus whether and how long you may have served as a board member~elected office or committee chair, (Sarah and Pat this includes you).
● All paid members get $5
● Every year after the first year, you get $2
● Every year you have spent as a board member you get $8
The total number you get in "funny money" will be available as credits towards the purchase of Marlene’s stash. Any monies paid over your credits will go towards the kids’ art camp scholarship fund. It's entirely based on the honor system. It is up to YOU to figure out your credits. You need to arrive with your points already figured out as we simply won’t have, or take, time to figure it out for you. Please show on your paper how you arrived at your total. It won’t be questioned, we’d just like to know how you calculated the figure. It’ll be fun to see how valuable you each have been! (If you arrive without your credits totalled, you will simply be given a $5 credit as a member)
I am aware this location is not one that is particularly handy for most. It is in Sun City Center. It was based on my convenience for being able to get it stashed at a location that allowed the goods to be spread out in air conditioning and Barbara volunteering her currently empty house. I encourage you to carpool!!!
After we demolish Marlene’s stash, we’ll have a secondary garage sale that will be open to the public. A portion of that money gained will go towards the fund, as well.
As this is a party, food will be provided. If you wish to bring food, please do so. None is expected.
1609 Bentwood Dr.
Sun City Center, Florida 33573
814-480-4855 (Barbara Williams)