Mixing Up Our Media: Work by Tampa Bay Surface Design Guild Members

  • 01 Oct 2024
  • 26 Nov 2024
  • Largo Public Library, 120 Central Park Drive, Largo, FL


Registration is closed

Mixing Up Our Media: Work by

Tampa Bay Surface Design Guild Members

Largo Public Library

120 Central Park Drive

Largo, FL 33771

Show Runs: October 1 – November 25, 2024

Opening Reception – Saturday, October 5 from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. No food or drink.

This show will be 2-D and 3-D fiber art, mixed media, jewelry, accessories, books, baskets, etc. All work not previously displayed in a Guild show.

The Largo Library is asking us for some high quality photos that can be used for publicizing the show. If you have photos of the work which you will be entering that are 300 dpi or better, please send to Pat Grice, pagrice@sbcglobal.net, before August. 20th.

Largo Library Will:

- The Largo Library cannot sell any artwork. If you want to sell your work, your name and email address must be on your label so people can contact you.

- Provide wall space and hooks for hanging 2-D work. Provide 3-6 foot tall glass display cases with 3 shelves for 3-D work. Display cases will be locked. 

SDG Members Will:

- 2-D work should be no larger than 48" x 48” and ready to hang.

- Print and sign Contract located in the Members Only/Exhibit Submissions area of the website.

- Print and sign the Packing List located in the Members Only/Exhibit Submissions area of the website, and attach to your artwork for delivery.

Contract and Packing List MUST be submitted with your artwork. 

- Pay a $10 entry fee for up to 2 pieces by registering on this event online.

- There is no insurance for this show.

- Email label  info to Aida Sheets, aidajune@me.com, no later than Saturday, September 14. Include your name, the title of your artwork, description and materials used, inspiration, dimensions, and if your artwork will be for sale, If you will be selling your artwork, include the price and contact information for buyers. If your artwork is not for sale, include NFS.

- Deliver artwork on Saturday, September 28to EITHER:

Pat Grice, pagrice@sbcglobal.net between 10:00-2:00


Jodi Doll-Bowling, jodidoll55@gmail.com between 10:00-2:00


Bonnie Hacker, bonniejhacker@gmail.com between 10:00-2:00

Addresses for Jodi, Bonnie, and Pat are included on the Contract and Packing List in Members Only/Exhibit Submissions

- Provide ready to hang work. The Library has a hook system. 3D work must fit inside display cases provided by the Library.

- Send out evites and invitations to your mailing lists.

- Attend the Opening Reception on Saturday, October 5, 2:00 – 3:30 p.m.

- Pick up artwork at the Largo Library on Monday, November 25, between 10:00–2:00. If you are unable to pick up your artwork yourself, please arrange for another Guild member to do this for you.

Exhibition Calendar:

Saturday, September 14 - Label text emailed to aidajune@me.com

Saturday, September 28 - - Deliver artwork to EITHER:

Saturday, September 28 to Pat Grice between 10:00-2:00


Saturday, September 28 to Jodi Doll-Bowling between 10:00-2:00


Bonnie Hacker, bonniejhacker@gmail.com between 10:00-2:00

Addresses for Jodi, Bonnie, and Pat are included on the Packing List

Saturday, October 5 -  Opening Reception at Largo Library, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Monday, November 25 - Pick up work from Largo Library between 10 – 2 *

*If you are unable to pick up your artwork yourself, please arrange for another Guild member to do this for you.

SDG Show Committee: 

Pat Grice, pagrice@sbcglobal.net

Jodi Doll-Bowling, jodidoll55@gmail.com

Mei-Ling St. Leger, meilingdesigns@gmail.com

 © Tampabay Surface Design Guild 2010-2017

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